Truffle Talks presents
The Never Again? Series focus is to discuss whether or not humanity has learned from the human rights violations and specific genocides in history. Additionally, the discussions will also address how the specific period is addressed/taught by educators and educational departments at memorials and if the learning curve is contributing more understanding so these tragedies become less over time.
Upcoming Webinars
Soon to be announced or get informed through our newsletter.
In the meantime listen to our previous webinar recordings:
- Never Again Series (2021/22)
Previous Webinars & Recordings
January 26 (Wed), 2022: 19-20 Uhr CET
6pm–7pm GMT, 1pm-2pm EST, 10am-11am PST
WWII Incarceration of Japanese Americans in the United States at Heart Mountain
Speaker: Dakota Russell, Executive Director-Heart Mountain Interpretive Center
January 19 (Wed), 2022: 19-20 Uhr CET
6pm–7pm GMT, 1pm-2pm EST, 10am-11am PST
Anti-Blackness & Ethnic Cleansing: Legacies of ‘El Corte’ in the Dominican Republic and Haiti
Speaker: Prof. Gretchen Selcke, Vanderbilt University-Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies
January 12 (Wed), 2022: 19-20 Uhr CET
6pm–7pm GMT, 1pm-2pm EST, 10am-11am PST
Holocaust Narratives in Polish Historical Museums: Early Post-War Years Until Today
Speaker: Krzysztof Banach, Former Head of the Exhibition Department at the State Museum at Majdanek
December 1 (Wed), 2021: 19-20 Uhr CET
6pm–7pm GMT, 1pm-2pm EST, 10am-11am PST
On the meaning of “Never Again” in 2021 – Dealing with the Past in Dachau and Beyond
Speaker: Steffen Jost, Former Director of Education, Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial/ Current Program Director at the Alfred Landecker Foundation
April 14 (Wed), 2021: 19-20 Uhr CET
6pm–7pm GMT, 1pm-2pm EST, 10am-11am PST
Book Preview: I Had No Idea You Were Black
Speaker: Dr. Ronald A. Crutcher, President University of Richmond